Can umbilical hernia cause weight loss


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Can umbilical hernia cause weight loss: While a kid is still in the womb, the umbilical chord connects him or her to the mother. If the abdominal wall does not shut properly after birth, additional tissue may peek through, resulting in a hernia. Umbilical hernias are most frequent in infants and typically close on their own within the first few years of life.

Approximately one in every five newborns has an umbilical hernia. Adult-onset umbilical hernias are less likely to resolve spontaneously and may necessitate surgical intervention.


Can umbilical hernia cause weight loss

The most typical indication of an umbilical hernia is a swelling or protrusion at the navel. However, for many babies, edema only appears when they cough, cry, giggle, or stretch. Umbilical hernias in babies are normally painless, so you might not notice if your kid has one. Pain and discomfort are more typical in adults with umbilical hernias. You may detect a bulge in your abdomen, as well as pain or pressure near your navel. Umbilical hernias can result in a shortage of blood supply to the gut, leading to symptoms such as vomiting, fever, constipation, and severe discomfort in both infants and adults.

Causes of Umbilical Hernia

During gestation, a baby’s abdominal muscles form a small opening through which the umbilical cord passes. If this hole does not shut adequately after birth, a hernia may develop. Premature newborns and babies with low birth weights are more likely to develop umbilical hernias. An adult may develop an umbilical hernia if there is excessive pressure on the abdomen, which can be caused by pregnancy, obesity, fluid in the belly, or past abdominal surgery.


Most infants with umbilical hernias will recover without medical intervention. A doctor may push on the hernia to shift it back into the abdominal cavity. However, you should not try this on your own. If an infant’s umbilical hernia causes severe pain or does not resolve during the first four years of life, surgery may be required.

Most clinicians recommend that adults with umbilical hernias undergo surgery as soon as possible to avoid the risk of complications. There are two types of surgical methods for treating umbilical hernias: open and laparoscopic. An open surgery entails making an incision near the hernia, stitching the muscle closed, or fixing the opening using mesh. A laparoscopic treatment includes making small incisions and inserting a tiny camera to view and fix the hernia. Hernia repair surgery can be performed with either local or general anesthesia. If you undergo local anesthetic, you will most likely be able to go home the same day as your surgery. General anesthesia typically necessitates a lengthier hospital stay for recovery. Most people can return to work two or three days following surgery, but you should avoid heavy activities for four to six weeks.

What are non-surgical sports hernia treatments?

If a sports hernia causes modest discomfort, conservative therapy may be advised first. To manage symptoms, consider avoiding specific activities or sports, using NSAIDs, applying ice to the affected area, and seeking physical therapy. Patients with inguinal hernias may benefit from pelvic and abdominal muscle workouts.

When does surgery become an option?

If conservative therapy fail to alleviate sports hernia symptoms, surgery will most likely be indicated. The goal of surgery is to restore the lower abdominal wall at the weak spot. Hernias are frequently repaired using minimally invasive laparoscopic methods. According to studies, most athletes can resume their prior activity following hernia surgery. The recuperation process usually takes about two months.

Sport hernias are not caused by insufficient abdominal activity. It’s merely that the lower abdomen wall is very thin in specific areas. Having said that, there are several steps you may take to lower your risk of acquiring a groin hernia. Consuming more fiber helps alleviate constipation, which can strain abdominal muscles and tendons, potentially leading to hernia development.

Is a hernia causing your abdominal pain?

Hernias are a frequent medical disorder in which organs or other tissues protrude through a weakening section of the surrounding muscle or tissue wall, usually in the abdomen. Symptoms of a hernia vary depending on its form and size, as well as the organs involved. The most frequent type of hernia is the inguinal hernia, which arises when fatty or intestinal tissue bulges through the abdominal wall around the groin. Inguinal hernias are painful and uncomfortable, but they are typically curable with surgery. Other types of hernias include ventral, umbilical, and hiatal hernias. Hernias can have major health consequences if not treated. They can strangle the hernia, causing the herniated organ to become trapped within it, resulting in a lack of oxygen and possibly tissue death. Complications such as intestinal blockage and difficulties with bowel movements are also possible. When you have a hernia, you should seek medical assistance right once. A hernia can be fixed surgically, and the prognosis is usually good. Depending on the size and location of the hernia, a surgeon may suggest open or laparoscopic surgery. Some hernias, such as the umbilical hernia, can be healed without surgery. Nevertheless, it

Can umbilical hernia cause weight loss

The Silent Weight-Gain Killer: Discovering the Truth About Hernias and Their Impact

Hernias and Their Impact on Weight A hernia is an abnormal protrusion of tissue or an organ through a weakening part of the body wall, usually produced by extreme strain or pressure. It can affect both men and women and can happen at any age, but it is more frequent in adults, especially those who are overweight or obese. In addition to creating physical discomfort, hernias can have a substantial impact on one’s weight. When a hernia develops, it can cause swelling in the abdominal cavity, causing the person to gain weight and retain liquids. This can increase the load on the weaker area, making weight loss more difficult. Furthermore, the discomfort and pain associated with hernias can cause a reduction in physical activity, which contributes to weight gain. To avoid hernias from having a significant impact on weight, seek medical attention if you notice any symptoms of a hernia. Medication, dietary changes, exercise, and, in certain circumstances, surgery are all options for treatment. If the hernia is causing significant weight gain, a doctor can offer a weight loss plan that is both safe and successful. This may include lifestyle changes such as calorie restriction and increased physical activity. Additionally, specific hernia support garments can assist alleviate discomfort and tension on the area while also aiding in weight loss.

Read more: Daily calorie count to lose weight

Why am I losing weight after having a hernia surgery?

Following hernia surgery, some individuals may experience an unexpected outcome: weight loss. While this is not a common occurrence, severe weight loss without an obvious rationale can be concerning.

Below, we look at the possible causes of weight loss after hernia surgery and offer helpful tips for dealing with this unexpected phenomena.

Weight Loss After Hernia and Possible Causes

During hernia surgery recovery, it’s important to distinguish between healthy weight loss and harmful weight loss, which may result in a larger belly. If any red flags, such as extreme or rapid weight loss, prolonged discomfort, or other troubling symptoms, appear throughout the recovery process, they can be caused by one or more of the following factors:

Reduced appetite and dietary changes: Anesthesia and post-operative pain medications can temporarily reduce appetite, resulting in less food intake. Dietary limitations or adjustments suggested after recovery from hernia surgery may lead to lower calorie consumption.

Increased metabolism and energy expenditure: The body’s natural healing process after surgery demands additional energy to restore tissues. This increased metabolic demand can cause greater calorie expenditure, perhaps resulting in weight loss.

Stress and emotional factors: Hernia surgery can be a stressful procedure, resulting in emotional swings that might influence eating patterns. Some people may experience anxiety or despair following surgery, resulting in appetite changes and weight loss.

Nausea and digestive issues: In some situations, post-surgery patients may feel nausea, bloating, or digestive discomfort, resulting in reduced food intake and weight loss.

Loss of muscle mass: Extended periods of low physical activity during the recuperation phase can cause muscular atrophy, adding to a loss in overall body weight.

Fluid loss: Patients may develop fluid retention following surgery. However, as the body heals and recovers, there may be a reduction in fluid retention, resulting in temporary weight loss.

It is important to note that weight loss following hernia surgery is not uniform and varies from person to person.

Identifying Problematic Weight Loss.

Identifying problematic weight loss following hernia surgery is critical to ensuring your health and recovery.

One of the most important aspects to consider is the rate of weight loss. If you lose more than 5% of your body weight within a month of surgery, it may be cause for concern.

Unintentional weight loss is another danger flag to look out for. If you haven’t changed your food or exercise routine on purpose but are still losing weight, there may be an underlying issue that needs to be addressed.

If the weight loss lasts beyond the immediate post-surgery period, it may indicate an unsolved issue that needs to be addressed. We also urge being aware of any associated symptoms that may be related to weight reduction. Pay attention to symptoms such as prolonged discomfort, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or other gastrointestinal difficulties, as these may be contributing factors.

Nutritional inadequacies are another something to consider. Look for indicators of malnutrition, such as weakness, weariness, hair loss, or changes in your skin and nails, as they may be related to your weight loss.

Should I Lose Weight Prior to Hernia Surgery?

Excess weight or obesity increases your risk of developing a ventral incisional hernia when undergoing any abdominal surgical procedure.

How do we define overweight and obesity?

Obesity, or being overweight, is frequent.

In the United States, about three out of every four persons over the age of twenty are overweight or obese.

The BMI (body mass index) is the most reliable indication of ideal body weight. An optimal body weight exists for each height.

Weight and Hernia Formation

Most hernias are not caused by having an elevated BMI or being obese.

Elevated BMI and obesity can aggravate hernias, particularly umbilical hernias, by expanding their size. It also frequently correlates to greater pain and the possibility of emergency imprisonment due to a hernia.

Overweight people with hernias typically feel better after losing significant weight. This is because losing weight reduces the pressure on the hernia caused by excess abdominal fat.

Is it feasible to undergo hernia surgery if you are obese?

If you intend to have your hernia treated, excess weight or obesity is linked to a much higher risk of recurring hernia, infection, and other issues. In rare situations, your weight may be a significant risk factor for hernia surgery, making the treatment risky unless you lose weight. In some circumstances, those with a BMI greater than 40 are at a higher risk of complications and possibly death than if the hernia is not treated.

How obesity influences hernia surgery outcomes

Why is weight such a significant factor in hernia surgery outcomes?All data on hernia repair clearly demonstrates the benefits of obtaining a near to optimal body weight before surgery. Obesity increases the risk of hernia recurrence and consequences. A hernia is a hole in the abdominal wall. The purpose of hernia surgery is to seal the hole using various approaches. Excess internal abdominal fat raises pressure within the abdominal cavity. This fat and increased intraabdominal pressure contradict all of the ideas and practices of hernia surgery. Attempting to cover the hernia hole with excessive pressure clearly increases the chance of the repair being pulled back open (recurrent hernia). Obese patients may experience issues during hernia repair due to excess internal fat and intraabdominal pressure. However, robotic technology is improving safety for this procedure. Using less than 1-inch incisions, robotic surgery significantly reduces the risk of wound problems and infection.

Ideal BMI for Hernia Repair

There is no ideal BMI or weight for hernia repair. Every person’s hernias are unique. The general guideline is that the thinner one can get, the better it is for a long-lasting and safe repair. In general, a BMI between 18 and 25 is ideal for any sort of hernia surgery.

Should you put off hernia surgery to lose weight?

This is generally an excellent idea. A chat with your surgeon will be required to answer this question. Delaying surgery might sometimes be more risky than weight-related issues. The risks of weight-related problems may necessitate delaying hernia treatment until an optimal body weight and BMI are achieved.

Most of us struggle with our weight to some extent. Losing weight is challenging, but it is attainable with a strategy.

Losing weight is difficult for everyone. It can seem especially challenging if you are really overweight and/or have struggled with your weight for the most of your life. Many people assume that losing weight is difficult and that even if they eat very little, they gain weight. Weight loss is always possible if you focus your efforts and create a plan.

A actual plan is required. One that requires careful attention to detail in everything you eat. A strategy to eat smaller quantities or skip dessert is doomed to fail. For success, you will need a diet advised by your doctor or a nutritionist, as well as an activity plan. Many people have had remarkable success with programs such as “Weight Watchers” and phone apps like “My Fitness Pal”. This is useful because your phone is constantly with you and can provide nutrition information at any time and from any location.

Consider all the advantages of reaching your target body weight:
You will look and feel better. Your feet, knees, and hip joints will thank you. Your risk of diabetes will decrease, and if you are diabetic, your blood sugar control will most likely improve. Your risk of metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease will be reduced. Your ability to remain active as you age will be greatly increased.

Managing Weight Loss Following Hernia Surgery

Here are some practical methods for managing weight loss following hernia surgery:

Ensure optimal nutrition: Eat a well-balanced diet rich in nutrient-dense foods. Add lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, veggies, and healthy fats to your meals. Avoid missing meals and attempt to eat smaller, more frequent quantities throughout the day to meet your body’s nutritional requirements.

Follow post-surgery nutrition guidelines: Stick to any dietary instructions made by your doctor. These tips are intended to help you recover and avoid foods that may slow healing or worsen discomfort.

Gradually resume physical activity: While it is vital to rest and allow your body to heal at first, gradually incorporate gentle activities back into your routine as directed by your healthcare professional. Physical activity can help you retain muscle mass and regulate your metabolism.

Stay hydrated: Drink enough water every day to stay hydrated. Dehydration can have a detrimental influence on your health and increase weariness.

Get adequate rest: Allow your body plenty of time to rest and recover. Make sure you get enough sleep every night to help your healing process.

Manage stress and mental health: Emotional well-being is important for rehabilitation. Deep breathing, meditation, and indulging in hobbies that you enjoy are all ways to relieve stress.

Monitor and seek professional help: Keep track of any changes in your weight or overall health. If you see considerable or persistent weight loss, or if you have any concerns, contact your healthcare practitioner immediately.

Attend follow-up appointments: Regular follow-up meetings with your healthcare practitioner are crucial. These appointments allow your doctor to monitor your progress, discuss any concerns, and make changes to your rehabilitation plan as needed.

Remember that everyone’s healing process is unique, so be patient with yourself and give your body the time it requires to properly heal. It is critical to prioritize your health and well-being during this time, and obtaining professional help can give you with the necessary support and reassurance. Our guide provides detailed advice for a smooth recovery following hernia surgery.

Hernia Innovations prioritizes personalized care and support throughout your rehabilitation. Our professional hernia specialists are committed to giving you with the best care possible, assuring your health and success. Please contact us if you have any concerns regarding your rehabilitation, including weight loss.

Remember, your health is our top priority, and we are here to help you through every step of the healing process.


Is it possible to develop a hernia as you gain weight?

Obesity increases the chance of hernias in the abdominal wall. Being overweight puts additional tension and pressure on your abdominal muscles, making them weaker and more prone to hernia development. This excess weight causes the hernia to grow in size over time. In some situations, a loop of intestine can become stuck in muscular tissue, producing extreme pain and necessitating emergency medical care. Morbid obesity can cause many hernias in the muscle wall.

Can a hernia lead to bloating and weight gain?

An inguinal hernia might make a person feel as if they’ve eaten a substantial meal when they haven’t. This type of hernia can also cause bloating and discomfort in the groin and lower abdomen. While a hernia does not cause weight gain, being overweight increases the likelihood of acquiring a hernia.

Does being overweight worsen a hernia?

Extra weight linked with morbid obesity causes an abdominal wall hernia to grow larger over time once it starts. Obese persons may experience serious hernia consequences, such as the intestine becoming stuck in muscular tissue and strangulating due to a lack of blood flow. Patients who are morbidly obese are also more likely to develop abdominal wall hernias, which can lead to small intestinal obstruction.

Can you be too obese for hernia surgery?

Obese patients who undergo hernia repair surgery are more likely to develop infections and have poor wound healing. The surgery itself may take longer, and you will most likely spend more time recovering in the hospital. Most crucially, you risk having a blood clot in your leg travel to your lungs, a condition known as a pulmonary embolism that can be fatal (PE). If you are overweight, obese, or morbidly obese and require hernia surgery, you are at risk of a recurrence and a second procedure. Obese persons have a significantly lower hernia recurrence rate when they lose weight.

Medical weight loss before to laparoscopic surgery can not only make the procedure go more smoothly, but it also reduces postoperative complications. Anyone who needs hernia surgery should start decreasing weight before the procedure to obtain a healthier weight and BMI. The team at The Iskandar Complex Hernia Center will answer any questions you have regarding how much weight you should lose before surgery.

Will my hernia recur after surgery if I am overweight?

Obesity is long known to increase the risk of primary and incisional ventral hernias. Furthermore, incisional hernia repair in the obese population has been linked to a 50% recurrence risk. Using minimally invasive procedures for obese individuals, such as laparoscopic ventral hernia repair rather than incisional hernia repair, may reduce postoperative complications and improve recurrent hernia rates.

How can I reduce weight before hernia repair surgery?

Diet and exercise are the most crucial components of weight loss. It’s critical to consume less calories than your body needs for energy. The only approach to decrease body fat is to limit the amount and type of food you consume to fewer than the number of calories your body requires. Exercise helps you burn more calories for energy while also allowing your body to retain fewer calories as fat.

Bariatric surgery, often known as weight-loss surgery, is highly beneficial for obese people who are unable to reduce or maintain weight with diet and exercise alone. Most bariatric surgery patients can expect to shed 50 percent to 70 percent of their excess body weight after a year of surgery. There are numerous forms of bariatric surgery, but they all aim to decrease your appetite and limit the amount of food you may eat. The most common bariatric surgeries are gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy.

Consult your doctor about which type of weight loss program is best for you. It is never too late to reduce your BMI and lead a healthier lifestyle.

Dr. Iskandar, who is committed to treating you as a whole person, can assist you with weight loss measures prior to your hernia surgery. He also does bariatric surgeries.

Pros & Cons (Can umbilical hernia cause weight loss )


  1. Forced Portion Control: With an umbilical hernia, you might find yourself saying goodbye to those all-you-can-eat buffets – hello, portion control! It’s like having a built-in bouncer for your stomach, limiting how much you can cram in there.
  2. Increased Physical Activity: Trying to avoid aggravating your hernia can inadvertently lead to more physical activity. It’s like unintentionally signing up for a workout plan – the hernia hustle!
  3. Potential Diet Changes: Dealing with the discomfort of an umbilical hernia might prompt you to reevaluate your diet. Say goodbye to those late-night snack attacks – your hernia won’t be too happy about it!
  4. Medical Attention: A silver lining to having an umbilical hernia is that it often prompts people to seek medical attention. It’s like having a built-in alarm system – your body’s way of saying, “Hey, pay attention to me!”
  5. Weight Loss Support: While not a direct cause, the discomfort of an umbilical hernia might lead to unintentional weight loss. It’s like having a personal trainer whispering in your ear, “Skip the dessert, lose the pounds!”
  6. Improved Health Awareness: Dealing with a health issue like an umbilical hernia can make you more aware of your overall health. It’s like getting a wake-up call from your body – time to start listening!
  7. Community Support: Joining support groups or seeking advice from others who have experienced umbilical hernias can provide a sense of camaraderie. It’s like finding your hernia squad – strength in numbers, right?


  1. Discomfort and Pain: Let’s not sugarcoat it – dealing with an umbilical hernia can be downright uncomfortable. It’s like having a constant reminder that your belly button isn’t happy.
  2. Restricted Movement: Forget about doing your best Beyoncé impression – an umbilical hernia might put a damper on your dance moves. It’s like having a built-in excuse for skipping Zumba class.
  3. Digestive Issues: Hernias and hearty meals don’t mix well – prepare for some digestive woes. It’s like playing Russian roulette with your stomach – will it revolt or behave?
  4. Potential Complications: While rare, umbilical hernias can lead to complications like bowel obstruction or strangulation. It’s like walking a tightrope – one wrong move, and you’re in for a world of trouble.
  5. Emotional Impact: Dealing with a hernia can take a toll on your mental health, leading to stress and anxiety. It’s like having a little dark cloud hovering over your head – not the most uplifting accessory.
  6. Medical Expenses: Surgery to repair an umbilical hernia isn’t cheap – say goodbye to that dream vacation fund. It’s like playing a game of financial whack-a-mole – just when you think you’re ahead, another expense pops up.
  7. Recovery Time: Post-surgery recovery can be a lengthy process, requiring patience and perseverance. It’s like running a marathon – slow and steady wins the race, but man, does it feel like forever!

People also ask

Can you lose weight with an umbilical hernia?

Sure, you can lose weight with an umbilical hernia, but it’s not exactly the recommended weight loss plan. Think of it as trying to run a marathon with a pebble in your shoe – technically possible, but not exactly comfortable or efficient. While the discomfort might curb your appetite or prompt you to make healthier choices, it’s not the most pleasant way to shed those extra pounds. Plus, the last thing you need when dealing with a hernia is added stress about your weight. So, focus on healing up and finding healthier ways to trim down – your belly button will thank you!

Can hernias cause weightloss?

Hernias causing weight loss? It’s like blaming your car for making you late to work – technically possible, but a bit of a stretch. While hernias can lead to discomfort and changes in appetite, they’re not exactly the next big weight loss trend. Think of it more as a pesky speed bump on the road to weight loss, rather than a magic pill. Sure, you might shed a few pounds from the stress and discomfort, but it’s not exactly the most pleasant or sustainable method. So, if you’re looking to slim down, maybe stick to the tried-and-true methods – salads over surgeries, folks!

How does umbilical hernia affect the body?

Picture your body as a well-oiled machine, humming along smoothly – until, bam, an umbilical hernia comes crashing in like a wrecking ball. This unwelcome guest can wreak havoc on your body, causing discomfort, pain, and a whole lot of frustration. It’s like having a tiny intruder camping out in your belly button, playing pranks on your internal organs. From digestive issues to restricted movement, an umbilical hernia can turn your daily routine into a game of “avoid the discomfort.” So, if you find yourself dealing with one, buckle up and prepare for a bumpy ride – it’s gonna be a wild one!

Do you lose weight after hernia?

Ah, the million-dollar question: do you lose weight after a hernia? Well, it’s not exactly a guaranteed ticket to Weight Loss Wonderland, but there might be some unintentional slimming involved. Think of it as the universe’s way of playing a prank on your waistline – shedding a few pounds while dealing with the discomfort of a hernia. But hey, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Between the discomfort and dietary changes, it’s like navigating a weight loss maze with a blindfold on. So, if you find yourself shedding some pounds post-hernia, just remember to thank your rebellious belly button for the unintentional assist!


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