6 Science-Based Health Benefits of Oregano


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6 Science-Based Health Benefits of Oregano: Oregano is taken into account a staple herb in many cuisines around the globe. From serving to battle bacteria to reducing inflammation, studies have unearthed some of its impressive potential benefits.

Oregano has a strong flavor, heat to dishes, and a touch of delicate sweetness. It may be found fresh, dried, or as an oil, and all have important health benefits.

Though usually used in small amounts, oregano packs in some important nutrients. One teaspoon of dried oregano can fulfill about 8% of your day-by-day vitamin K wants (1).

This article seems to be at 6 evidence-based health benefits of oregano.

1. Rich in Antioxidants

Oregano is rich in antioxidants, that are compounds that assist battle damage from dangerous free radicals in the body.

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The buildup of free radicals has been linked to chronic diseases like most cancers and heart disease (2Trusted Source3Trusted Source).

Several test-tube studies have found that oregano and oregano oil are high in antioxidants (4Trusted Source5Trusted Source).

Oregano important oil is especially high in carvacrol and thymol, two antioxidants that may assist prevent damage to cells attributable to free radicals (6Trusted Source).

In mixture with different high-antioxidant foods like fruits and vegetables, oregano may present a hearty dose of antioxidants that will assist improve your health.

Summary: Oregano
is high in antioxidants, which will help prevent damage by neutralizing
disease-causing free radicals.

2. May Help Fight Bacteria

Oregano contains certain compounds which have potent antibacterial properties.

One test-tube research confirmed that oregano important oil helped block the growth of Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, two strains of bacteria that may cause an infection (7Trusted Source).

Another test-tube research found that oregano was efficient against 23 species of bacteria (8Trusted Source).

Furthermore, a test-tube research compared the antimicrobial activity of oregano, sage and thyme important oils. Oregano was one of probably the most environment friendly important oils against bacteria, second to thyme ((*6*)).

Current analysis is limited to test-tube studies which have used concentrated amounts of this herb. Thus, further analysis is required to find out how these results may have an effect on people.

Summary: Test-tube
studies have found that oregano and its elements could also be efficient against
certain strains of bacteria.

3. Could Have Anti-Cancer Properties

Oregano is high in antioxidants. These compounds cannot only neutralize free radical damage, but they might also help in most cancers prevention (2Trusted Source).

Some test-tube studies have proven that oregano and its elements might assist kill most cancers cells.

One test-tube research handled human colon most cancers cells with oregano extract and found that it stopped the growth of most cancers cells and helped kill them off (10Trusted Source).

Another test-tube research confirmed that carvacrol, one of the elements in oregano, also helped suppress the growth and spread of colon most cancers cells (11Trusted Source).

However, keep in thoughts that these had been test-tube studies using high amounts of the herb and its compounds. Human studies using typical doses are wanted to find out its results.

Summary: Oregano
is high in antioxidants and contains compounds which have been proven to reduce
most cancers cell growth in some test-tube studies.

4. May Help Reduce Viral Infection

In addition to preventing off bacteria, some test-tube studies have found that oregano and its elements might also protect against some viruses.

In specific, carvacrol and thymol are two compounds in oregano which have been related to antiviral properties.

In one test-tube research, carvacrol inactivated norovirus, a viral an infection that causes diarrhea, nausea and stomach pain, inside one hour of therapy (12Trusted Source).

Another test-tube research found that thymol and carvacrol inactivated 90% of the herpes simplex virus inside only one hour (13Trusted Source).

While these results are promising, extra analysis on how oregano might impact viral infections in people is required.

Summary: Carvacrol
and thymol are two compounds found in oregano which have been proven to lower
the activity of viruses in some test-tube studies.

5. Could Decrease Inflammation

Inflammation is a standard immune response that happens as a result of sickness or injury.

However, chronic inflammation is believed to contribute to the event of diseases like heart disease, diabetes and autoimmune conditions (14Trusted Source).

Oregano is rich in antioxidants, which will help neutralize free radicals and reduce inflammation (15Trusted Source).

It also contains compounds like carvacrol which have been proven to have anti-inflammatory properties. In one animal research, carvacrol reduced swelling in the paws of mice by as much as 57% (16Trusted Source).

Another animal research confirmed {that a} combination of thyme and oregano important oils reduced the number of inflammatory markers in mice with colitis, or an infected colon (17Trusted Source).

Remember that these studies checked out the effects of oregano and its elements in extremely concentrated amounts. Studies are wanted to find out how a standard dose may have an effect on inflammation in people.

Summary: Oregano
is high in antioxidants, which can reduce inflammation. Animal studies present
that oregano oil and its elements may assist reduce inflammation.

6. Easy to Add to Your Diet

Though it’s possible you’ll suppose of oregano as a topping reserved solely for pizzas and pasta dishes, this versatile herb can be utilized in some ways.

Try mixing whole oregano leaves into different greens for a nutrient-packed salad or sprinkling the leaves into chili, soups or stews.

You can also use it to make fresh pesto or salad dressing, season meat dishes or kick up the flavor of home made sauces.

Oregano is accessible fresh, dried or as an oil, making it super easy so as to add to your diet.

Summary: Oregano
is accessible both fresh, dried or as an oil, and it may be added to stews,
dressings, sauces, meats and extra.


  1. Flavorful Friend: Oregano isn’t just a tasty addition to your pizza; it’s a flavor powerhouse that can jazz up any dish. It’s like adding a pinch of pizzazz to your plate!
  2. Immune System Warrior: Feeling under the weather? Oregano to the rescue! This little herb packs a punch when it comes to boosting your immune system. Say goodbye to sniffles and hello to superhero status!
  3. Digestive Dynamo: Got a case of the tummy troubles? Oregano can come to the rescue once again! It’s known to help ease indigestion and bloating, so you can say goodbye to feeling like a hot air balloon.
  4. Antioxidant Avenger: Oregano is like a shield against free radicals, those pesky molecules that can wreak havoc on your cells. With its antioxidant powers, oregano helps keep your body’s defense system strong and mighty!
  5. Anti-inflammatory Ally: Inflammation is like the unruly guest at the party; nobody wants it around! Luckily, oregano has anti-inflammatory properties that can help calm things down and restore peace and harmony in your body.
  6. Heart Health Hero: Keep your ticker ticking happily with oregano. It’s been linked to lower cholesterol levels and improved heart health. Who knew a little herb could have such a big heart?
  7. Mood Booster: Feeling blue? Oregano might just be the pick-me-up you need! Its aromatic oils can help lift your spirits and chase away the clouds. It’s like a sunshine-filled hug in herb form!


  1. Oregano Overload: Ever get a bit too enthusiastic with the oregano shaker and end up with a mouthful of herb? Too much of a good thing can definitely be overwhelming, so remember to sprinkle with caution!
  2. Herb Storage Headaches: Oregano might be small, but storing it can be a big pain in the pantry. From flimsy plastic bags to mysterious spice jars, keeping track of your oregano stash is like playing a game of hide-and-seek.
  3. Pungent Potency: Oregano has a strong, distinct flavor that not everyone appreciates. It’s like the loud talker at the dinner table; you either love it or find it a bit overwhelming.
  4. Allergy Alert: Like with any herb, there’s always a chance of allergies lurking in the shadows. If you’re sensitive to mint or other herbs in the same family, oregano might not be your best bud.
  5. Sticky Situation: Ever try to sprinkle oregano onto your pasta and end up with clumps instead? Oregano has a tendency to stick together like clingy friends at a party, so make sure to give it a good shake before using.
  6. Not for Everyone: While oregano is a superhero for many, it’s not suitable for everyone. Pregnant women, for example, should steer clear of large amounts of oregano as it could potentially stimulate contractions.
  7. Recipe Ruiner: Adding oregano to certain dishes might not always be a match made in culinary heaven. It’s like trying to put a square peg in a round hole; sometimes it just doesn’t quite fit.

The Bottom Line (6 Science-Based Health Benefits of Oregano)

Oregano is an herb that boasts some fairly potent benefits on the subject of your health.

It is high in antioxidants and might assist battle off bacteria and viruses, potentially reduce the growth of most cancers cells and assist alleviate inflammation.

However, present analysis is limited to test-tube and animal studies. Further analysis is required to find out its potential results in people.

Luckily, oregano is flexible, easy so as to add to your diet and may be integrated into all kinds of recipes in both fresh, dried or oil kind.


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