6 Mistakes That Does if slow down metabolism


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Does if slow down metabolism: Controlling your metabolism will help you handle your weight as part of a healthy lifestyle. Here are 6 lifestyle errors that may slow down your metabolism.

Keeping your metabolism high is essential for losing weight and keeping it off.

However, a number of common lifestyle errors could slow down your metabolism.

On an everyday foundation, these habits may make it hard to lose weight — and even make you extra vulnerable to gain weight in the long run.

1. Eating too few calories

Eating too few calories can cause a significant lower in metabolism.

Although a calorie deficit is required for weight loss, it may be counterproductive in your calorie intake to drop too low.

When you dramatically lower your calorie intake, your body senses that food is scarce and lowers the rate at which it burns calories.

Controlled studies in lean and overweight people verify that consuming fewer than 1,000 calories per day can have a major impact in your metabolic rate (1Trusted Source2Trusted Source3Trusted Source4Trusted Source5Trusted Source).

Most studies measure resting metabolic rate, which is the number of calories burned during relaxation. Yet some also measure calories burned during relaxation and activity over 24 hours, which is known as whole every day energy expenditure.

In one research, when obese ladies ate 420 calories per day for 4–6 months, their resting metabolic charges slowed down considerably.

What’s extra, even after they increased their calorie intake over the next 5 weeks, their resting metabolic charges remained much lower than before the diet (3Trusted Source).

In one other research, overweight people have been requested to eat 890 calories per day. After 3 months, their whole calorie expenditure dropped by 633 calories on common (4Trusted Source).

Even when calorie restriction is extra average, it might probably still slow metabolism.

In a 4-day research in 32 people, the resting metabolic rate of those that ate 1,114 calories per day slowed more than twice as much as that of those that consumed 1,462 calories. However, weight loss was comparable for each teams (5Trusted Source).

If you’re going to lose weight by calorie restriction, don’t limit your calorie intake too much — or for too long.


Cutting calories too much and for too long lowers your metabolic rate, which may make weight loss and weight maintenance extra difficult.

2. Skimping on protein

Eating enough protein is extraordinarily important for reaching and maintaining a healthy weight.

In addition to serving to you are feeling full, high protein intake can considerably increase the rate at which your body burns calories (6Trusted Source7Trusted Source8Trusted Source).

The increase in metabolism that happens after digestion known as the thermic impact of food (TEF).

The thermic impact of protein is much greater than that of carbs or fat. Indeed, studies point out that eating protein briefly will increase metabolism by about 20–30% compared to five–10% for carbs and 3% or much less for fat (9Trusted Source).

Although metabolic rate inevitably slows during weight loss and continues to be slower during weight maintenance, proof means that greater protein intake can minimize this impact.

In one research, participants followed one of three diets in an effort to maintain a ten–15% weight loss.

The diet highest in protein reduced whole every day energy expenditure by only 97 calories, compared to 297–423 calories in people who consumed much less protein (10Trusted Source).

Another research found that people wanted to eat a minimum of 0.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight (1.2 grams per kg) to prevent their metabolism from slowing during and after weight loss ((*6*)).


Protein will increase metabolic rate more than carbs or fat. Increased protein intake helps protect metabolic rate during weight loss and maintenance.

3. Leading a sedentary lifestyle

Being sedentary could result in a major lower in the number of calories you burn every day.

Notably, many people have life that primarily contain sitting at work, which may have negative results on metabolic rate and total health.

Although working out or enjoying sports activities can have a significant impact on the number of calories you burn, even primary physical activity, such as standing up, cleansing, and taking the steps, will help you burn calories.

This kind of activity is known as non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT).

One research found {that a} high amount of NEAT may burn as much as 2,000 further calories per day. However, such a dramatic increase is just not lifelike for many people (12Trusted Source).

Another research famous that watching TV while sitting burns an common of 8% fewer calories than typing while sitting — and 16% fewer calories than standing (13Trusted Source).

Working at a standing desk or simply getting as much as stroll round a number of times per day will help increase your NEAT and prevent your metabolism from dropping.


Being inactive reduces the number of calories you burn during the day. Try to minimize sitting and increase your normal activity levels.

4. Not getting enough high-quality sleep

Sleep is extraordinarily important for good health.

Sleeping fewer hours than you want could increase your risk of a number of sicknesses, including heart disease, diabetes, and depression (14Trusted Source).

Several studies note that inadequate sleep could also lower your metabolic rate and increase your chance of weight gain (15Trusted Source16Trusted Source17Trusted Source).

One research found that healthy adults who slept 4 hours per evening for five nights in a row skilled a 2.6% lower in resting metabolic rate, on common. Their rate returned to regular after 12 hours of uninterrupted sleep (16Trusted Source).

Lack of sleep is made worse by sleeping during the day instead of at evening. This sleep sample disrupts your body’s circadian rhythms, or inner clock.

A five-week research revealed that extended sleep restriction mixed with circadian rhythm disruption decreased resting metabolic rate by an common of 8% (17Trusted Source).


Getting sufficient, high-quality sleep and sleeping at evening somewhat than during the day will help protect your metabolic rate.

5. Drinking sugary beverages

Sugar-sweetened drinks are detrimental to your health. High consumption is linked to various illnesses, including insulin resistance, diabetes, and weight problems (18Trusted Source19Trusted Source).

Many of the negative results of sugar-sweetened beverages may be attributed to fructose. Table sugar contains 50% fructose, while high-fructose corn syrup packs 55% fructose.

Frequently consuming sugar-sweetened beverages could slow down your metabolism.

In a 12-week managed research, overweight and obese people who consumed 25% of their calories as fructose-sweetened beverages on a weight-maintaining diet skilled a major drop in metabolic rate (20Trusted Source).

Not all studies assist this concept. One research famous that overeating high-fructose corn syrup compared to whole wheat didn’t have an effect on 24-hour metabolic rate (21Trusted Source).

However, analysis shows that excessive fructose consumption promotes increased fat storage in your belly and liver (22Trusted Source23Trusted Source24Trusted Source25Trusted Source26Trusted Source).


A high intake of fructose-containing beverages could reduce metabolic rate and promote fat storage in your belly and liver.

6. A lack of energy training

Working out with weights is a good technique to keep your metabolism from slowing.

Strength training has been proven to increase metabolic rate in healthy people, in addition to those that have heart disease or are overweight or obese (27Trusted Source28Trusted Source29Trusted Source30Trusted Source).

It will increase muscle mass, which makes up much of the fat-free mass in your body. Having the next amount of fat-free mass considerably will increase the number of calories you burn at relaxation (31Trusted Source32Trusted Source33Trusted Source).

Even minimal amounts of energy training seem to boost energy expenditure.

In a 6-month research, people who carried out energy training for 11 minutes per day, 3 days every week, skilled a 7.4% increase in resting metabolic rate and burned 125 extra calories per day, on common (34Trusted Source).

In distinction, not doing any energy training can cause your metabolic rate to say no, especially during weight loss and aging (31Trusted Source35Trusted Source36Trusted Source).


Strength training will increase muscle mass and helps protect your metabolic rate during weight loss and ageing.

The bottom line (Does if slow down metabolism)

Engaging in lifestyle behaviors that slow down your metabolism can result in weight gain over time. It’s best to keep away from or minimize them as much as possible.

That said, many easy actions can boost your metabolism that will help you lose weight and keep it off.


  1. Metabolism Boosters: Avoiding these mistakes can keep your metabolism revving like a finely-tuned sports car, ready to burn through calories faster than a cheetah chasing its next meal.
  2. Energy Levels: By sidestepping these pitfalls, you’ll keep your energy levels sky-high, ready to tackle whatever life throws your way. Say goodbye to the midday slump – hello, productivity powerhouse!
  3. Weight Management: Steering clear of metabolism-slowing mistakes can help you maintain a healthy weight without feeling like you’re fighting an uphill battle. It’s like having a secret weapon in your weight loss arsenal.
  4. Healthy Habits: Avoiding these blunders encourages you to adopt healthier habits, like eating nutritious foods, staying hydrated, and getting regular exercise. It’s like giving your metabolism a big bear hug of love and support.
  5. Mood Enhancement: Keeping your metabolism humming along smoothly can boost your mood and leave you feeling happier and more vibrant. Say goodbye to grumpy pants – hello, sunshine and rainbows!
  6. Long-Term Health: By dodging these metabolism-slowing mistakes, you’re setting yourself up for long-term health and vitality. It’s like investing in a retirement fund for your body – the dividends pay off big time down the road.
  7. Confidence Booster: When your metabolism is firing on all cylinders, you’ll feel like you can conquer the world – or at least conquer the flight of stairs without getting winded. It’s like strutting down the street with a “look out, world” attitude!


  1. Sluggish Metabolism: Making these mistakes can put the brakes on your metabolism, leaving you feeling like your body is stuck in slow-motion mode. It’s like trying to run through quicksand – frustrating and exhausting.
  2. Weight Gain: A sluggish metabolism makes it easier for those pesky pounds to sneak up on you, even when you’re eating well and exercising regularly. It’s like your body’s way of playing a cruel joke on you.
  3. Low Energy Levels: When your metabolism is sluggish, you might find yourself feeling tired and lethargic, like you’re running on empty. It’s like trying to power a Ferrari with a lawnmower engine – not exactly a recipe for success.
  4. Mood Swings: A slow metabolism can mess with your mood, leaving you feeling cranky, irritable, and downright hangry. It’s like trying to navigate rush hour traffic with a broken GPS – frustrating and stressful.
  5. Digestive Issues: Making these metabolism-slowing mistakes can wreak havoc on your digestive system, leading to bloating, gas, and discomfort. It’s like your body’s way of saying, “What did I ever do to deserve this?”
  6. Plateau Pains: If you’re trying to lose weight, hitting a plateau can be incredibly frustrating. Making these metabolism-slowing mistakes can make it even harder to break through that stubborn barrier. It’s like trying to break a brick wall with a feather duster – not exactly effective.
  7. Long-Term Health Risks: A sluggish metabolism can increase your risk of developing serious health issues like heart disease, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. It’s like playing a game of Russian roulette with your health – not exactly a gamble you want to take.

People also ask:

Does intermittent fasting lower metabolism?

Alright, let’s shed some light on the intermittent fasting (IF) and metabolism conundrum! Picture this: your metabolism is like a campfire, and intermittent fasting is like tossing a log on the flames. At first, it might seem like the fire’s dying down, but fear not – it’s just taking a little break to gather its strength. In reality, intermittent fasting can actually give your metabolism a little kick in the pants, encouraging it to work more efficiently. So, don’t worry about your metabolism taking a nosedive – it’s just taking a coffee break before coming back stronger than ever.

What can slow down your metabolism?

Alrighty, let’s uncover the metabolism-slowing culprits lurking in the shadows! First off, picture your metabolism as a bustling highway, and these sneaky culprits are like traffic jams slowing down the flow. Number one on the hit list: lack of sleep – it’s like putting a “road closed” sign on your metabolic highway. Next up, say hello to stress – it’s like throwing a monkey wrench into the gears of your metabolism. And don’t forget about skipping meals – it’s like telling your metabolism, “Hey, take the day off!” So, keep those traffic jams at bay and watch your metabolism zoom down the highway of health!

Does fasting help lose weight?

Ready for a crash course in fasting and weight loss? Buckle up! First off, fasting is like pressing the pause button on your snacking habits – it gives your body a chance to tap into its fat stores for fuel. Next, it’s like sending your metabolism on a scavenger hunt for those extra pounds. But hold your horses, fasting isn’t a free pass to binge on burgers later – it’s all about balance. So, while fasting can be a helpful tool in your weight loss arsenal, remember to pair it with healthy eating habits and regular exercise for best results. Happy fasting, and may the pounds be ever in your favor!


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