22 High Fiber Foods You Should Eat


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22 High Fiber Foods You Should Eat: A cup of kidney beans can present round one-third, if no more, of the fiber you want per day. Other high fiber foods include berries, cruciferous vegetables, oats, chia seeds, and dark chocolate.

Fiber has a range of possible health benefits, such as:

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends consuming about 14 grams (g) of fiber for every 1,000 calories you consume day by day.

The following desk shows the recommended fiber intakeTrusted Source for people of totally different ages:

1–3 years14 g14 g
4–8 years19.6 g16.8 g
9–13 years25.2 g22.4 g
14–18 years30.8 g25.2 g
19–50 years38 g25 g
51 years and over30 g21 g

Most Americans consume only round 15 gTrusted Source of fiber per day, or half of their beneficial wants.

What is fiber and what types are there?

In the previous, expertsTrusted Source used the time period fiber to explain a kind of carbohydrate the body couldn’t digest. More lately, scientists have found that some digestible substances also share properties with fiber, which makes fiber more durable to outline.

Here are some methods scientists classify fiber:

  • Dietary fiber is of course current in plants that we eat.
  • Added fiber is fiber that producers add to some products to increase their health benefits.
  • Soluble fibers are water soluble and subsequently digestible.
  • Insoluble fibers usually are not digestible.

Soluble fibers come from the insides of plants and include substances such as pectin. They are current in fruits, vegetables, oats, and barley and might assist handle blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Insoluble fibers come from the outer skins of plants and go straight through the digestive system. They may help prevent constipation. Examples include bran, celery, whole grains, and seeds.

Benefits of fiber

Dietary fiber can supply the next benefits:

  • Reducing cholesterol: Fiber in the digestive tract may help reduce the body’s cholesterol absorption, especially for those who take statins and use fiber supplements, such as psyllium fiber.
  • Promoting a healthy weight: High fiber foods like fruits and vegetables are usually lower in calories. Fiber can also slow digestion that will help you really feel fuller for longer.
  • Preventing constipation: Fiber can velocity up digestion and prevent constipation. Insoluble fiber provides bulk to the digestive tract, as your body doesn’t digest it. This stimulates the intestines.
  • Managing blood sugar: The body takes longer to interrupt down high fiber foods, which implies glucose doesn’t enter the bloodstream so quickly. This helps you maintain more consistent blood sugar levels.
  • Reducing most cancers risk: Eating enough fiber might assist prevent certain cancers, including colon cancer. One cause could also be that some types of fiber, such as the pectin in apples, might have antioxidant properties.

If you’re including high-fiber foods to your diet, accomplish that steadily over a number of days and drink plenty of water, too. This may help prevent adverse results, such as bloating and gas.

22 high fiber foods to eat

Here are 22 healthy and satisfying high fiber foods.

1. Pears (3.1 grams)

Pears are each tasty and nutritious and can fulfill a sweet tooth. They are also a good supply of fiber.

Fiber content material: 5.5 grams in a medium-sized, raw pearTrusted Source, or 3.1 grams per 100 grams.

2. Strawberries (2 grams)

Strawberries are a delicious, healthy possibility for eating fresh as a summer season dessert or as an workplace snack.

As effectively as fiber, they also contain vitamin C, manganese, and various antioxidants.

Fiber content material: 3 grams in 1 cup of fresh strawberries, or 2 grams per 100 gramsTrusted Source.

Try this banana strawberry smoothie.

3. Avocado (6.7 grams)

The avocado is high in healthy fat and a good supply of fiber.

It also supplies vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, vitamin E, and various B vitamins.

Fiber content material: 10 grams in 1 cup of raw avocado, or 6.7 grams per 100 gramsTrusted Source.

Try these delicious avocado recipes.

4. Oats (10.1 grams)

Oats are an wonderful supply of fiber and are high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

They contain a robust soluble fiber referred to as beta glucan, which may help manageTrusted Source blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Fiber content material: 16.5 grams per cup of raw oats, or 10.1 grams per 100 gramsTrusted Source.

Get some recipes right here for overnight oats.

5. Apples (2.4 grams)

Apples are a tasty and satisfying fruit. Eaten whole, they also present each soluble and insoluble fiber.

Fiber content material: 4.4 grams in a medium-sized, raw apple, or 2.4 grams per 100 gramsTrusted Source.

Get some ideas for adding apple to salads.

6. Raspberries (6.5 grams)

Raspberries are a nutritious fruit with a particular flavor. They contain fiber, vitamin C, and manganese.

Fiber content material: One cup of raw raspberries contains 8 grams of fiber, or 6.5 grams per 100 gramsTrusted Source.

Other high-fiber berries

Here are another berries you possibly can add to desserts, oatmeal, and smoothies or simply snack on during the day:

Try them on salads in a raspberry tarragon dressing.

7. Bananas (2.6 grams)

Bananas present many nutrients, including vitamin C, vitamin B6, and potassium.

A green or unripe banana also contains a big amount of resistant starch, an indigestible carbohydrate that capabilities like fiber.

Fiber content material: 3.1 grams in a medium-sized banana, or 2.6 grams per 100 gramsTrusted Source.

Try a banana and nut butter sandwich for fiber and protein

8. Carrots (2.8 grams)

The carrot is a root vegetable you possibly can eat raw or cooked.

In addition to fiber, carrots present vitamin K, vitamin B6, magnesium, and beta carotene, an antioxidant that will get turned into vitamin A in your body.

Fiber content material: 3.6 grams in 1 cup of raw carrots, or 2.8 grams per 100 gramsTrusted Source.

Try carrots in a veggie-loaded soup.

9. Beets (2 grams)

The beet, or beetroot, is a root vegetable that contains beneficial nutrients, such as folate, iron, copper, manganese, and potassium.

Beets also present inorganic nitrates, nutrients that may have benefitsTrusted Source for blood pressure regulation and exercise efficiency.

Fiber content material: 3.8 grams per cup of raw beets, or (*22*).

Try beets in a lemon dijon beet salad.

10. Broccoli (2.6 grams)

Broccoli is a kind of cruciferous vegetable and a nutrient-dense food.

It supplies fiber and also contains vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, B vitamins, potassium, iron, and manganese. It also contains antioxidants and different nutrients that will assist combat most cancers. Broccoli is also relatively high in protein, compared with different vegetables.

Fiber content material: 2.4 grams per cup, or 2.6 grams per 100 gramsTrusted Source.

Find out how one can incude broccoli in slaws and other dishes.

11. Artichoke (5.4 grams)

Artichokes are high in many nutrients and are a good supply of fiber.

Fiber content material: 6.9 grams in 1 raw globe or French artichoke, or 5.4 grams per 100 gramsTrusted Source.

Find out how one can roast artichokes.

12. Brussels sprouts (3.8 grams)

Brussels sprout are cruciferous vegetables related to broccoli.

They contain fiber and are also high in vitamin K, potassium, folate, and potentially cancer-fighting antioxidants.

Fiber content material: 3.3 grams per cup of raw Brussels sprouts, or 3.8 grams per 100 gramsTrusted Source.

Try a recipe for Brussels sprouts roasted with apples and bacon.

Other high fiber vegetables

Most vegetables contain important amounts of fiber.

Other notable examples include:

High fiber foods you should be eating
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13. Lentils (10.7 grams)

Lentils are economical, versatile, and extremely nutritious. They are a good supply of fiber, protein, and many different nutrients.

Fiber content material: 13.1 grams per cup of cooked lentils, or 10.7 grams per 100 gramsTrusted Source.

Try this lentil soup with cumin, coriander, turmeric, and cinnamon.

14. Kidney beans (7.4 grams)

Kidney beans are a popular sort of legume. Like other legumes, they supply plant-based protein and various nutrients.

Fiber content material: 12.2 grams per cup of cooked beans, or 7.4 per 100 gramsTrusted Source.

15. Split peas (8.3 grams)

Split peas are made from the dried, cut up, and peeled seeds of peas. They’re typically seen in cut up pea soup served alongside ham, but can be utilized in dhals and different recipes.

Fiber content material: 16.3 grams per cup of cooked cut up peas, or 8.3 per 100 gramsTrusted Source.

16. Chickpeas (7 grams)

The chickpea is one other sort of legume that’s rich in fiber and also supplies protein and various minerals

Chickpeas function in hummus, curries, soups, and many different dishes.

Fiber content material: 12.5 grams per cup of cooked chickpeas, or 7.6 per 100 gramsTrusted Source.

Learn how one can make hummus.

Other high fiber legumes

Most legumes are high in protein, fiber, and various nutrients. Prepared appropriately, they provide a tasty and economical source of high quality nutrition.

Other high fiber legumes include:

17. Quinoa (2.8 grams)

Quinoa is a pseudo-cereal that gives fiber and is a helpful supply of protein for these on a plant-based diet.

It also contains magnesium, iron, zinc, potassium, and antioxidants, to call a number of.

Fiber content material: 5.2 grams per cup of cooked quinoa, or 2.8 per 100 gramsTrusted Source.

18. Popcorn (14.5 grams)

Popcorn generally is a enjoyable and healthy way to increase fiber.

Air-popped popcorn could be very high in fiber, calorie for calorie. However, for those who add fat or sugar, the fiber-to-calorie ratio will begin to lower considerably.

Fiber content material: 1.15 grams per cup of air-popped popcorn, or 14.5 grams per 100 gramsTrusted Source.

Other high fiber grains

Nearly all whole grains are high in fiber.

19. Almonds (13.3 grams)

Almonds are high in many nutrients, including healthy fat, vitamin E, manganese, and magnesium.

They can also be made into almond flour for baking.

Fiber content material: 4 grams per 3 tablespoons, or 13.3 grams per 100 gramsTrusted Source.

20. Chia seeds (34.4 grams)

Chia seeds are extremely nutritious, tiny black seeds. They are an wonderful supply of fiber and contain high amounts of magnesium, phosphorus, and calcium.

Try chia seeds mixed into jam or add them to home made granola bars.

Fiber content material: 9.75 grams per ounce of dried chia seeds, or 34.4 grams per 100 gramsTrusted Source.

Other high fiber nuts and seeds

Most nuts and seeds contain important amounts of fiber.

Examples include:

All values are for a 100-gram portion.

21. Sweet potatoes (3 grams)

The sweet potato is a popular tuber that’s very filling and has a sweet flavor. It’s high in beta carotene, B vitamins, and various minerals.

Sweet potatoes generally is a tasty bread substitute or base for nachos.

Fiber content material: A medium-sized boiled sweet potato (with out skin) has 3.8 grams of fiber, or 3 grams per 100 gramsTrusted Source.

22. Dark chocolate (10.9 grams)

Dark chocolate generally is a good supply of nutrients and antioxidants.

Just be sure to choose dark chocolate that has a cocoa content material of 70%–95% or increased and keep away from products with a lot of added sugar.

Fiber content material: 3.1 grams in a 1-ounce piece of 70%–85% cacao, or 10.9 grams per 100 grams.

Frequently requested questions

What food is highest in fiber?

Lentils, pears, celery, leafy greens, and oatmeal are all high in fiber. However fiber comes in different formsTrusted Source and people consume totally different amounts of particular foods, which makes it hard to check which food is highest in fiber for dietary functions.

What are the ten best foods for fiber?

Some prime decisions so as to add to the diet are chickpeas, lentils, cut up peas, oats, apples, pears, almonds, chia seeds, Brussels sprouts, and avocado. However, it’s important to balance the nutrients in your diet. You’ll want to contemplate the number of calories and different nutrients per 100 g of a food, not simply the fiber.

How can I increase my fiber?

Adding oatmeal, pulses, and fresh fruits and vegetables to the diet is a good way to increase your fiber intake. Opt for fruits and potatoes with their skins on and select wholemeal bread over white bread. Adding fiber steadily over a number of days may help prevent gas and bloating for those who’re not used to eating a lot of fiber.

How can I get 30g of fiber a day?

This desk shows one instance of how one can eat over 40 g of fiber in sooner or later, primarily based on knowledge from the United States Department of AgricultureTrusted Source.

MealFood merchandiseFiber
Breakfast25 blueberries
1 cup cooked oatmeal
1 g
4 g
Lunch1/2 cup of cooked brown rice
1/2 cup of cooked cut up peas
1/2 cup of cooked broccoli
1.5 g
8.5 g
3 g
Supper1 avocado
2 slices of whole wheat toast
13.5 g
4 g
Snack1 medium pear5.5 g
  41 g

Learn extra about how one can create a fiber-rich diet in this dedicated article.


  1. Smooth Sailing Digestion: High fiber foods keep things moving smoothly – it’s like the traffic cop of our digestive system, preventing backups and ensuring that everything flows as smoothly as a lazy river.
  2. Gut Guardian: Fiber feeds the good bacteria in our gut – it’s like throwing a feast for our microscopic friends, keeping our gut microbiome happy and healthy so they can keep us in top shape.
  3. Fullness Factor: Fiber fills us up without filling us out – it’s like the magic trick that makes us feel satisfied without weighing us down, leaving us feeling as light as a balloon after a meal.
  4. Weight Loss Wingman: High fiber foods help with weight management – it’s like having a personal trainer for our appetite, keeping cravings at bay and helping us shed pounds without feeling deprived.
  5. Blood Sugar Buddy: Fiber helps regulate blood sugar levels – it’s like the safety net that prevents us from crashing after a sugar rush, keeping our energy levels stable throughout the day.
  6. Heart Health Hero: High fiber foods lower cholesterol levels – it’s like the superhero swooping in to save the day, protecting our hearts from the villainous clutches of heart disease with every bite.
  7. Toilet Triumph: Fiber prevents constipation – it’s like the plumber unclogging a stubborn drain, ensuring that everything flows smoothly and leaving us feeling as relieved as a cat after a hairball.


  1. Gas and Bloating: High fiber foods can cause gas and bloating – it’s like inflating a balloon in our bellies, leaving us feeling as puffed up as a blowfish at a sushi bar.
  2. Toilet Troubles: Too much fiber can lead to diarrhea – it’s like a leaky faucet that won’t stop dripping, leaving us sprinting to the bathroom faster than a cheetah chasing its prey.
  3. Nutrient Neglect: Focusing solely on high fiber foods can lead to neglecting other nutrients – it’s like putting all our eggs in one basket and forgetting about the bacon and toast that complete our breakfast.
  4. Social Sacrifice: High fiber foods can be challenging in social situations – it’s like being the odd one out at a barbecue, munching on celery sticks while everyone else indulges in burgers and fries.
  5. Chewy Challenge: Some high fiber foods require extra chewing – it’s like gnawing on a tree branch, leaving our jaws feeling as tired as a marathon runner’s legs.
  6. Label Labyrinth: Navigating food labels for fiber content can be confusing – it’s like trying to find your way out of a corn maze, with terms like “soluble fiber” and “insoluble fiber” leading us in circles.
  7. Texture Trouble: Some people may dislike the texture of high fiber foods – it’s like eating sandpaper for dinner, leaving us longing for something smooth and creamy instead.

In the fiber-filled world of nutrition, the pros and cons are as tangled as a ball of yarn. So, next time you’re loading up on high fiber foods, remember to tread carefully – for every bite brings us one step closer to digestive bliss or disaster!

The bottom line (22 High Fiber Foods You Should Eat)

Fiber is an important nutrient that will promote weight loss, lower blood sugar levels, and combat constipation.

The recommended daily intake is 25 g for ladies and 38 g for males, but most Americans don’t eat this much fiber.

Adding some of the foods above to your diet can increase your fiber intake.


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