15 foods that are filling but healthy


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Foods that are filling but healthy: Whole, unprocessed foods that can be high in protein and fiber will typically leave you extra sated, which implies you’re feeling full for an extended interval of time. Some of essentially the most filling foods include boiled potatoes, oatmeal, eggs, fish, Greek yogurt, and popcorn.

What you eat can decide how full you’re feeling, as foods have an effect on sensations of fullness otherwise.

For instance, you want fewer calories to really feel full from boiled potatoes or oatmeal than from ice cream or a croissant (1Trusted Source).

Foods which can be filling can keep off hunger and enable you to eat much less on the next meal (2).

For this purpose, these types of foods should enable you to manage your weight in the long run.

This article lists 15 extremely filling foods.

But first, let’s take a look at the the reason why some foods are extra filling than others.

What makes a food filling?

Satiety is a time period used to clarify the sensation of fullness and loss of urge for food that occurs after eating.

A scale known as the satiety index measures this impact. It was developed in a 1995 research that examined 240-calorie servings of 38 foods (3Trusted Source).

The foods have been ranked in keeping with their skill to fulfill hunger. Foods that scored larger than 100 have been thought of extra filling, while foods that scored under 100 have been thought of much less filling.

In quick, eating foods that rating larger on the satiety index will help you eat fewer calories total. However, keep in thoughts that simply because something retains you fuller for longer doesn’t imply it’s extra nutrient-dense.

Filling foods are likely to have the next traits:

  • High in protein. Studies present that protein is essentially the most filling macronutrient. It changes the levels of a number of satiety hormones, including ghrelin and glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) (4Trusted Source5Trusted Source).
  • High in fiber. Fiber supplies bulk and helps you’re feeling full for longer. It could slow stomach emptying and increase digestion time (6Trusted Source7Trusted Source).
  • High in quantity. Some foods contain a lot of water or air, which can assist promote satiety (8Trusted Source9Trusted Source).
  • Low in energy density. This implies that a food is low in calories for its weight. Foods with a low energy density are very filling. They sometimes contain a lot of water and fiber but are low in fat (9Trusted Source10Trusted Source).

Whole, unprocessed foods are also typically extra filling than processed foods and supply added health benefits.


Filling foods could have certain traits, such as being high in protein or fiber. These types of foods have a tendency to attain high on a scale known as the satiety index.

1. Boiled potatoes

Potatoes have been demonized in the previous, but they’re truly very healthy and nutritious.

Cooked, unpeeled potatoes are a good supply of a number of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C and potassium (11Trusted SourceTrusted Source12Trusted Source).

Potatoes are high in water and carbs and contain reasonable amounts of fiber and protein. They also contain nearly no fat (13Trusted Source).

Compared with different high carb foods, potatoes are very filling.

In reality, boiled potatoes scored a 323 on the satiety index, which is the very best number of all 38 foods examined. They scored almost 7 times larger than croissants, which scored the bottom (3Trusted Source).

One research in 14 people found that those that consumed a meal with meat, vegetables, and potatoes felt much less hungry and extra glad than those that ate the same meal with rice or pasta instead (14Trusted Source).

Some proof indicates that part of the rationale why potatoes are so filling is that they contain a protein known as proteinase inhibitor 2 (PI2), which can suppress urge for food (15Trusted Source16Trusted Source).


Boiled potatoes are very filling and scored the very best of all of the foods on the satiety index. They can fill you up and enable you to eat fewer calories in whole.

2. Eggs

Eggs are incredibly healthy and nutrient-dense.

Most of the nutrients are found in the yolks, including the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin, which can profit eye health (17Trusted Source).

Eggs are an important supply of high high quality protein. A large egg contains round 6 grams of protein, including all 9 important amino acids.

Eggs are also very filling and rating high on the satiety index (3Trusted Source).

One research found that people who consumed eggs and toast for breakfast skilled much less hunger and ate fewer calories during their next meal than those that ate cereal with milk and juice (18Trusted Source).

Another older research found {that a} protein-rich breakfast consisting of eggs and lean beef increased fullness and helped people make better food selections (19Trusted Source).


Eggs are a nutritious, high protein food with a robust impact on fullness. They could also enable you to eat much less later in the day.

3. Oatmeal

Oats, eaten as oatmeal (porridge), are a popular breakfast alternative. Oatmeal is pretty low in calories and an important supply of fiber, particularly a soluble fiber known as beta glucan. It also scores high on the satiety index, rating third total (3Trusted Source).

One latest research found that participants felt extra full and much less hungry after eating oatmeal compared with a ready-to-eat breakfast cereal. They also ate fewer calories during lunch (20Trusted Source).

Oatmeal’s filling power comes from its high fiber content material and skill to take in water.

Soluble fiber, such as the beta glucan in oats, will help you’re feeling full. It could also assist launch satiety hormones and delay stomach emptying (21Trusted Source22Trusted Source23Trusted Source).


Oatmeal is a really filling breakfast alternative. It could enable you to eat fewer calories in the next meal and delay stomach emptying.

4. Fish

Fish is loaded with high high quality protein.

It’s also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, that are important fat that should be obtained from food.

According to 1 2008 research, omega-3 fatty acids might increase the sensation of fullness in people with overweight or weight problems (24Trusted Source).

Additionally, some studies point out that the protein in fish could have a stronger impact on fullness than different sources of protein.

On the satiety index, fish scores larger than all different protein-rich foods, including eggs and beef. Fish had the second highest rating of all of the foods examined (3Trusted Source).

Another older research compared fish, chicken, and beef protein. The researchers found that fish protein had the strongest impact on satiety (25Trusted Source).


Fish is rich in protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which can increase emotions of fullness. The protein in fish could have a stronger impact on fullness than different types of protein.

5. Soups

Liquids are sometimes thought of to be much less filling than stable foods, though the proof is mixed (26Trusted Source27Trusted Source).

However, soups are a bit totally different. Research shows that soups may very well be extra filling than stable meals containing the same ingredients (27Trusted Source28Trusted Source).

In one older research, volunteers consumed both a stable meal, chunky soup, or smooth soup that had been put through a food processor. Feelings of fullness and the rate at which the food left the stomach have been then measured.

Interestingly, the smooth soup had the best impact on fullness and the slowest rate of stomach emptying, followed by the chunky soup (28Trusted Source).


Soups are very filling meals, regardless of being in liquid type. They could also keep in the stomach longer, thus prolonging emotions of fullness.

6. Meat

High protein foods like lean meats are very filling (4Trusted Source5Trusted Source).

For instance, beef can have a robust impact on satiety. It scores 176 on the satiety index, which is the second highest of the protein-rich foods, proper after fish (3Trusted Source).

Increasing your intake of protein-rich foods like meat will be an easy way to assist regulate your urge for food.

In reality, one research found that eating a high protein meal had a considerably higher impact on hormones related to hunger and urge for food than a high carb meal (29Trusted Source).


Meat is high in protein and very filling. Beef scored the second highest among the many protein-rich foods on the satiety index.

7. Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt could be very thick compared with common yogurt and sometimes larger in protein, too.

Greek yogurt is a superb breakfast possibility. It’s also a popular afternoon snack that may assist fill you up till your next meal.

In one 2013 research, girls consumed a 160-calorie yogurt snack that was both low, reasonable, or high in protein. Those who ate the high protein Greek yogurt felt full the longest, have been much less hungry, and ate dinner later (30Trusted Source).


Greek yogurt is a popular, high protein breakfast and snack. It could increase the sensation of fullness and enable you to really feel much less hungry till your next meal.

8. Vegetables

Vegetables are extremely nutritious. They’re loaded with all types of vitamins, minerals, and useful plant compounds.

Vegetables are also high quantity, low calorie foods. They contain fiber and water, which add bulk to your meals and helps fill you up.

Moreover, vegetables take a while to chew and are very satisfying in that way.

One research found that eating a salad before a meal of pasta reduced total calorie intake compared with eating pasta alone (31Trusted Source).


Vegetables are rich in fiber and water, which can keep you full for longer. Eating a salad before a meal will help you eat fewer calories total.

9. Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is normally low in fat and carbs, but high in protein.

Its high protein content material will help you’re feeling full, even while consuming relatively few calories.

One research found that cottage cheese’s filling impact was just like that of eggs (32Trusted Source).


Cottage cheese is high in protein but low in fat and calories. Its impact on fullness could also be akin to that of eggs.

10. Legumes

Legumes like beans, peas, lentils, and peanuts have an spectacular nutritional profile.

They’re loaded with fiber and plant-based protein, but they’ve a relatively low energy density. This makes them very filling (33Trusted Source).

One article reviewed 9 randomized trials that studied post-meal fullness from pulses, that are a part of the legume household (34Trusted Source).

They found that participants felt 31% extra full from eating pulses compared with eating meals consisting of pasta and bread (34Trusted Source).


Legumes are a good supply of fiber and protein. They could enable you to really feel full compared with different foods.

11. Fruit

Fruit has a low energy density. It also contains heaps of fiber, which can slow digestion and enable you to really feel full for longer.

Apples and oranges rating very high on the satiety index at round 200 (3Trusted Source).

However, it’s important to note that it’s at all times better to eat whole fruit instead of fruit juice, which isn’t particularly filling (35Trusted Source).


Fruit is high in fiber and supplies bulk which will enable you to really feel full for longer. Whole fruit has a stronger impact on fullness than fruit juice.

12. Quinoa

Quinoa is a popular grain crop that’s grown for its seeds, and it’s a good supply of protein.

In reality, it supplies all of the important amino acids and is subsequently thought of an entire protein supply ((*15*)).

Quinoa is also larger in fiber than most grains.

The protein and fiber content material of quinoa could increase emotions of fullness and enable you to eat fewer calories total (4Trusted Source7Trusted Source).


Quinoa is a good supply of each protein and fiber, which can assist increase emotions of fullness.

13. Nuts

Nuts like almonds and walnuts are energy-dense, nutrient-rich snack choices.

They’re high in healthy fat and protein, and studies present that they’re very filling (37Trusted Source38Trusted Source).

Other analysis has highlighted the significance of chewing nuts correctly.

One older research found that chewing almonds 40 times led to a higher reduction in hunger and increased emotions of fullness compared with chewing 10 or 25 times (39Trusted Source).

Another evaluation of 13 trials concluded that chewing foods extra totally might reduce self-reported hunger and food intake by altering levels of certain hormones that regulate urge for food (40Trusted Source).


Nuts are a popular snack alternative. They’re rich in healthy fat and also contain some protein. They’re likewise very filling and could reduce hunger.

14. MCT Oil

Medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil is a kind of saturated fat typically used as a supplement.

MCT oil consists of medium-length chains of fatty acids, which enter the liver from the digestive tract and will be become ketone our bodies.

According to some studies, ketone our bodies can have an appetite-reducing impact (41Trusted Source).

One research found that people who ate breakfasts supplemented with MCT oil in liquid type consumed considerably fewer calories all through the day compared with a control group (42Trusted Source).

Another research compared the effects of medium- and long-chain triglycerides and found that those that ate medium-chain triglycerides with breakfast consumed fewer calories at lunch (43Trusted Source).


MCT oil will be transformed into ketone our bodies and could considerably reduce urge for food and calorie intake.

15. Popcorn

Popcorn is a whole grain food that’s very high in fiber, with over 1 gram of fiber in every cup (8 grams) (44Trusted Source).

Studies have found that popcorn is extra filling than different popular snacks, such as potato chips (45Trusted Source).

Several factors could contribute to its filling results, including its high fiber content material and low energy density (6Trusted Source9Trusted Source).

However, note that the popcorn you put together your self in a pot or air-popper machine is the healthiest possibility. Adding a lot of fat to the popcorn can increase the calorie content material considerably.


Popcorn is a popular snack that’s high in fiber and quantity but low in energy density. Calorie for calorie, it’s very filling.

The bottom line (foods that are filling but healthy)

Filling foods possess certain qualities, such as the tendency to be high in fiber or protein and have a low energy density.

Additionally, these foods are usually whole, single-ingredient foods — not extremely processed foods.

Focusing on whole foods that fill you up with fewer calories could enable you to lose weight in the long run.


  1. Fullness Fiesta: Healthy and filling foods throw a party in your stomach, leaving you feeling satisfied without the guilt. It’s like having a buffet that’s both delicious and guilt-free – a win-win situation for your taste buds and your waistline.
  2. Nutrient Nourishment: These foods are like nutritional superheroes, swooping in to save the day. Packed with vitamins and minerals, they’re the Avengers of your diet, ensuring you get the nutrients you need without sacrificing flavor. It’s like having a tasty superhero squad on your plate.
  3. Energy Endurance: Filling and healthy eats provide a slow-release energy marathon. Forget the sprint and crash of sugary snacks; these foods keep you chugging along like a determined tortoise in a race against hunger. It’s a fuel-efficient journey for your body.
  4. Digestive Delight: These foods are like the superheroes of your digestive system. They navigate the twists and turns of your stomach like seasoned explorers, ensuring a smooth journey. It’s like giving your digestive tract a roadmap to happiness – no traffic jams here!
  5. Weight-Loss Whiz: Healthy and filling options are the secret agents in your weight-loss mission. They keep you full and content, making it easier to resist the siren call of unhealthy snacks. It’s like having a bodyguard for your diet, fending off the temptations that threaten your waistline.


  1. Texture Tantrum: Some healthy and filling foods may not win any texture awards. It’s like biting into a grainy granola bar and wondering if you accidentally chomped on a nature trail. Brace yourself for a texture adventure – crunchy, chewy, and occasionally confusing.
  2. Cooking Challenge: Preparing these meals can feel like starring in your own culinary episode of a cooking show. Chopping veggies, measuring ingredients – it’s a kitchen workout. Get ready for a battle with the spice rack and a strategic skirmish with the measuring cups.
  3. Flavor Faux Pas: Healthy and filling doesn’t always mean flavor explosion. You might find yourself yearning for the days of indulgent, calorie-laden treats. It’s a bit like attending a taste party where the DJ forgot to play your favorite song – a flavor letdown.
  4. Social Snack Struggle: When everyone around you is munching on chips and cookies, your carrot sticks might feel like the odd ones out at the snack party. It’s like being the one person at a costume party who didn’t get the memo about the theme. Prepare for some snack-related FOMO.
  5. Mindful Munching Required: Unlike mindless snacking on potato chips, these healthy options demand your attention. It’s like eating a meal with a spotlight on it – no absent-minded munching allowed. Get ready for a mindful eating experience; your taste buds are on a journey of flavor exploration.

People also ask:

What is the most healthy filling food?

What is the most healthy filling food

The superhero of healthy and filling foods? Drumroll, please – it’s quinoa! This tiny grain is like a nutritional ninja, packing a protein punch and fiber frenzy. It’s so versatile; you can toss it into salads, stir it into soups, or even make it the star of your grain bowl. Quinoa is the MVP of your plate, giving you that satisfying fullness without the guilt. It’s like having a sidekick in your quest for a balanced diet, ensuring you stay fueled and fabulous. Quinoa – the pint-sized powerhouse that turns your meal into a healthy hero’s feast!

What food makes you feel full but healthy?

What food makes you feel full but healthy

Meet the unsung hero of feeling full and fabulous: beans! These little guys are like the cozy blankets for your stomach, wrapping you in a warm, full sensation without the post-meal guilt. Whether in soups, salads, or burritos, beans bring the party to your plate. It’s like inviting the cool kids to your digestive bash – they leave you feeling satisfied and ready to conquer the day. Beans are the friendly sidekick that kicks hunger to the curb, leaving you with a belly full of goodness. Beans – the magical munchables that turn every meal into a full-fledged flavor fiesta!

What healthy food can I eat to fill me up?

What healthy food can I eat to fill me up

Craving fullness without the diet drama? Cue the oatmeal – your breakfast superhero! It’s like the cozy blanket for your stomach, hugging you with a warm, filling embrace. Oats are the ultimate morning sidekick, battling hunger like champions. Whether you jazz it up with fruit or keep it classic, oats are your secret weapon against mid-morning stomach growls. It’s a breakfast bonanza that leaves you satisfied without feeling like you just wrestled with a salad. So, embrace the oatmeal revolution – because a full stomach should always come with a side of morning joy! Oats – where fullness meets breakfast bliss!


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