10 Health benefits of kale leaf


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Health benefits of kale leaf: Kale is a nutritious food rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin K, and beta-carotene. It also contains nutrients that may help eye health, weight management, heart health, and extra.

Loaded with important micronutrients and antioxidants, kale is one of probably the most nutritious leafy greens accessible.

In truth, kale contains a spread of useful compounds, some of which have highly effective medicinal properties.

Plus, it’s versatile and boasts a nutty, earthy flavor that works properly in a large range of recipes.

Here are 9 health benefits of kale which might be supported by science

1. Highly nutritious

Kale is a popular vegetable and a member of the cabbage household.

It is a cruciferous vegetable and is carefully related to cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, collard greens, and Brussels sprouts.

There are many various types of kale. The leaves might be green or purple, and have both a smooth or curly form.

The most common kind of kale is named curly kale or Scots kale, which has green and curly leaves with a hard, fibrous stem.

A single cup, or 21 grams (g), of raw kale contains (1Trusted Source):

  • Calories: 7
  • Carbs: 1 g
  • Fiber: 1 g
  • Vitamin K: 68% of the Daily Value (DV)
  • Vitamin C: 22% of the DV
  • Manganese: 8% of the DV
  • Vitamin A: 6% of the DV
  • Riboflavin: 5% of the DV
  • Calcium: 4% of the DV

Each serving also contains a small amount of folate, vitamin B6, potassium, magnesium, and iron.

Adding extra kale to your diet is a good way to boost your intake of these key vitamins and minerals, together with different important nutrients.


Kale is low in calories and contains a number of important nutrients, including vitamin K, vitamin C, and manganese.


2. Provides highly effective antioxidants

Like different leafy greens, kale could be very high in antioxidants.

These include beta-carotene and vitamin C, in addition to various flavonoids and polyphenols (2Trusted Source).

Antioxidants are substances that assist counteract oxidative damage by neutralizing free radicals in the body (3Trusted Source).

Oxidative damage is believed to be among the many main drivers of getting old and many chronic conditions, including most cancers (4Trusted Source).

But many substances that happen to be antioxidants also produce other important capabilities.

This includes the flavonoids quercetin and kaempferol, that are found in relatively large amounts in kale (5Trusted Source).

Interestingly, test-tube and animal studies recommend that these compounds might assist ease inflammation, help heart health, slow the growth of most cancers cells, and protect against chronic disease (6Trusted Source7Trusted Source8Trusted Source).


Many highly effective antioxidants are found in kale, including quercetin and kaempferol, which have quite a few useful results on health.

3. Excellent supply of vitamin C

Vitamin C is an important water-soluble antioxidant that serves many very important capabilities in the body’s cells.

For instance, it’s essential for the synthesis of collagen, probably the most ample structural protein in the body (9Trusted Source).

Kale is larger in vitamin C than most different greens, containing about three times much as spinach and collard greens (1Trusted Source10Trusted Source11Trusted Source).

This makes kale an glorious addition to a healthy, well-rounded diet, alongside different fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C.


Kale is a good supply of vitamin C, an antioxidant that aids in the synthesis of collagen and has many important roles in the body.

4. May lower cholesterol levels

Cholesterol has many important capabilities in the body.

For instance, it’s used to make bile acids, that are substances that assist the body digest fat (12Trusted Source).

The liver turns cholesterol into bile acids, that are then launched into the digestive system everytime you eat a high fat meal (13Trusted Source).

When all of the fat has been absorbed and the bile acids have served their function, they’re reabsorbed into the bloodstream and used once more.

Certain substances in kale can bind bile acids in the digestive system and prevent them from being reabsorbed. This reduces the entire amount of cholesterol in the body (14Trusted Source).

One examine in 149 people with metabolic syndrome found that consuming 14 g of kale powder every day for 8 weeks considerably reduced levels of LDL (dangerous) cholesterol, together with blood pressure, belly fat, and fasting blood sugar levels (15).

According to at least one older examine, steaming kale dramatically will increase the bile acid binding impact. Steamed kale is definitely 13% as potent as cholestyramine, a cholesterol-lowering drug that capabilities in an identical way (16).


Kale contains substances that bind bile acids and lower cholesterol levels in the body. Steamed kale is particularly efficient.

5. Excellent supply of vitamin K

Vitamin K is an important nutrient.

It is totally essential for blood clotting, and does this by “activating” certain proteins and giving them the flexibility to bind calcium (17Trusted Source).

The well-known anticoagulant drug Warfarin truly works by blocking the operate of this vitamin (18Trusted Source).

Kale is an glorious supply of vitamin K, with a single raw cup containing nearly 70% of the really helpful each day amount (1Trusted Source).

The type of vitamin K in kale is K1, which is totally different than vitamin K2. Vitamin K2 is found in fermented soy foods and certain animal products and might assist prevent heart disease and osteoporosis (19Trusted Source).


Vitamin K is an important nutrient that’s concerned in blood clotting. A single cup of kale contains practically 70% of the DV for vitamin K.

6. Contains anti-cancer compounds

Cancer is a condition characterised by the uncontrolled growth of cells (20Trusted Source).

Kale is definitely loaded with compounds which might be believed to have protecting results against cancer.

One of these is sulforaphane, a substance that has been proven to assist block the formation of most cancers on the molecular level (21Trusted Source22Trusted Source).

It also contains a indole-3-carbinol, one other substance that’s believed to assist prevent most cancers (23Trusted Source).

Studies have proven that cruciferous vegetables (including kale) might considerably lower the risk of a number of cancers, though the proof in people is mixed ((*10*), 25Trusted Source26Trusted Source).


Kale contains substances which were proven to assist struggle most cancers in test-tube and animal studies, but human proof is mixed.

7. High in beta-carotene

Kale is usually claimed to be high in vitamin A, but this isn’t solely correct.

It is definitely high in beta-carotene, an antioxidant that the body can convert into vitamin A (1Trusted Source27Trusted Source).

Adding kale to your diet, alongside a spread of different foods rich in vitamin A, can assist you meet your wants for this important vitamin.


Kale could be very high in beta-carotene, an antioxidant that’s transformed to vitamin A.

8. Could help eye health

Though your vision tends to worsen as you become older, there are certain nutrients that will assist help healthy vision over time.

Two of the primary ones are lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoid antioxidants which might be found in large amounts in kale and another foods (1Trusted Source27Trusted Source).

Many studies have proven that people who eat enough lutein and zeaxanthin have a lower risk of macular degeneration and cataracts, two common eye disorders (28Trusted Source29Trusted Source).


Kale is high in lutein and zeaxanthin, two nutrients which were linked to a reduced risk of macular degeneration and cataracts.

9. May promote weight loss

Kale has a number of properties that may help weight management.

For starters, it is rather low in calories but still supplies vital bulk that should provide help to really feel full (1Trusted Source).

Because of the low calorie and high water content material, kale has a low energy density. Eating plenty of foods with a low energy density has been proven to help weight loss in quite a few studies (30Trusted Source31Trusted Source).

Kale also contains a small amount of fiber, which is an important nutrient that has been linked to weight loss (32Trusted Source).

Although there aren’t any studies immediately testing the effects of kale on weight loss, it is sensible that it may very well be a helpful addition to a weight loss diet.


As a nutrient-dense, low calorie food, kale makes an glorious addition to a weight loss diet.

10. Bone Boost

With its high calcium content material, kale is like the private coach on your bones, keeping them strong and sturdy. Say goodbye to brittle bones, hi there to kale-induced superhero standing!

The bottom line (Health benefits of kale leaf)

Fortunately, including kale to your diet is relatively easy. You can simply add it to your salads or use it in recipes.

A popular snack is kale chips, the place you drizzle some extra virgin olive oil or avocado oil in your kale, sprinkle it with salt, and then bake in it an oven till dry.

It tastes completely delicious and makes an awesome crunchy, super healthy snack.

A lot of people also add kale to their smoothies in order to boost the nutritional worth.

At the top of the day, kale can undoubtedly be a healthy and nutritious addition to a balanced diet and might be loved in a spread of recipes.


  1. Nutrient Powerhouse: Kale is like the superhero of the vegetable world, packed with vitamins A, C, and K, as well as minerals like calcium and iron. Who needs a cape when you’ve got kale?
  2. Heart Health Hero: With its fiber and potassium content, kale is like the personal trainer for your ticker, helping to lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease. Sorry, heart disease, but kale’s got you in a headlock!
  3. Bone Booster: Kale is like the bodyguard for your bones, with its calcium content keeping them strong and sturdy. Say goodbye to brittle bones, hello to kale-induced invincibility!
  4. Anti-Inflammatory Ace: With its antioxidants, kale is like the superhero sidekick fighting off inflammation and keeping your body in balance. Who needs a cape when you’ve got kale fighting your battles?
  5. Weight Loss Wonder: Kale is like the secret weapon in your weight loss arsenal, with its low calorie and high fiber content helping you feel full and satisfied. It’s like the magic wand in your salad bowl!
  6. Vision Protector: With its lutein and zeaxanthin, kale is like the bodyguard for your eyes, protecting them against age-related macular degeneration. Sorry, blurry vision, but kale’s got its eyes on you!
  7. Cancer Crusher: Kale is like the warrior in the fight against cancer, with its powerful antioxidants helping to neutralize free radicals and reduce the risk of certain cancers. It’s like having a tiny green army in your corner!


  1. Texture Troubles: Some people find the texture of kale to be a bit tough or fibrous, like chewing on a leafy green rubber band. Sorry, kale, but not everyone is a fan of your leafy embrace!
  2. Bitter Bite: Kale can have a slightly bitter taste, like a vegetable with a bad attitude. Sorry, kale, but not everyone wants to taste bitterness in their salad!
  3. Prep Predicaments: Kale can require a bit of prep work, like washing and de-stemming, before it’s ready to eat. Sorry, but ain’t nobody got time for a kale spa day!
  4. Thyroid Trouble: Some individuals with thyroid conditions may need to limit their intake of kale due to its goitrogenic properties. Sorry, thyroid, but kale’s not on your guest list!
  5. Pricey Pick: Kale can sometimes be a bit pricey compared to other leafy greens, like the VIP of the produce aisle. Who knew a bunch of leaves could have such expensive taste?
  6. Digestive Distress: Eating large amounts of raw kale can sometimes cause digestive issues like bloating or gas. Sorry, but kale-induced flatulence is no laughing matter!
  7. Storage Struggles: Kale doesn’t have the longest shelf life and can wilt or spoil relatively quickly if not stored properly. Sorry, kale, but you’re like the diva of the crisper drawer, demanding just the right conditions!

People also ask

What is kale leaves good for?

Kale leaves are like the Swiss Army knives of the vegetable world, with a multitude of uses and benefits. Rich in vitamins and minerals, kale is like the overachiever of the produce aisle, ready to boost your health and tantalize your taste buds. Who needs a multivitamin when you’ve got kale? Whether sautéed, baked into chips, or blended into smoothies, kale is like the culinary chameleon, adapting to any dish with ease. From salads to soups, it’s like kale can do it all! So, next time you’re looking to add a nutritious punch to your plate, reach for some kale leaves and let the green goodness shine!

Is it okay to eat kale everyday?

Is it okay to eat kale every day? It’s like asking if it’s okay to wear your favorite socks every day—sure, it’s comfortable, but too much of a good thing might raise some eyebrows! Kale is packed with nutrients, but like any food, moderation is key. Who wants to be known as the kale fanatic, anyway? While kale is like the superhero of the vegetable world, eating it in excess could lead to thyroid issues for some. Sorry, thyroid, but kale’s not invited to every meal! So, enjoy your kale salads and smoothies, but remember, variety is the spice of life!

Is it better to eat kale raw or cooked?

Is it better to eat kale raw or cooked? It’s like choosing between a kaleidoscope of flavors or a cozy kale blanket—both have their charms! Raw kale is like the crunchy rebel, adding texture and sass to your salads. Who needs a boring lettuce leaf when you’ve got kale? On the other hand, cooked kale is like a warm hug on a cold day, softening its edges and making it easier to cozy up to. It’s like kale’s way of saying, “Come here and get comfy!” Whether you’re team raw or team cooked, just remember to enjoy your kale adventure with a side of laughter!


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